Climate change as a challenge for EU policies – the role of ethics, lifestyles, solidarity and global justice

17 October, 2013

Photo: Martyn Goss

17 October 2013

The dialogue seminar between representatives of churches and European institutions took place on Thursday, 17 October 2013. The event organised jointly by the Church and Society Commission of CEC, the Commission of the Episcopates of the European Community (COMECE) and the Bureau of European Policy Advisors of European Commission (BEPA) focused in particular on:

  • The role of ethical arguments in the current debate on protection of environment and tackling of climate change in reflecting the outcomes of the latest IPCC report.

  • EU climate policy in the long term perspective: priorities and strategy on the way to global agreement for reducing greenhouse gasses emissions.

  • Climate change mitigation, adaptation and finance.  EU’s responsibility in addressing climate change as a question of solidarity and global justice.

The event underlined that climate change is for churches a matter of solidarity and global justice.

Press release

Presentations of the CSC speakers:

The role of ethical arguments in the debate on protection of environment and tackling of climate change, Prof. Dr. Hans Diefenbacher, Protestant Institute for interdisciplinary Research, EKD and University of Heidelberg

Climate (In-) Justice, Ms Janna Schönfeld, APRODEV

Ethical perspectives - Love Peace and Understanding, Rev, Henrik Grape, Church of Sweden

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