Thematic Reference Group on Peacebuilding and Reconciliation met in Brussels

8 December, 2017

Experts in conflict mediation and peacebuilding were brought together at a consultation in Brussels, held on 28 November. The meeting was organised by CEC Thematic Reference Group on Peacebuilding and Reconciliation.

The speakers of the consultation included Ms Jenny Svanberg from Life and Peace Institute, Sweden; Mr Geoffrey Corry from Glencree Centre for Reconciliation, Ireland and Dr Ana Raffai from RAND-Regional Address for Nonviolent Action, Croatia.

Together, they shared their operational models and experiences in the field of conflict mediation and peacebuilding. They discussed developments related to Peace Task Force, a body approved by CEC Governing Board in its last meeting, as well as preparations for 2019 Paris Peace Conference.

The participants discussed working document Role of Religion in Conflict, Peacebuilding and Reconciliation, while they continued to prepare two related workshops that will be held at 2018 General Assembly in Novi Sad, Serbia.
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